As part of reopening, we are establishing new procedures throughout the facility to ensure the health and well-being of our families, children, and staff.
- Summer/ Fall Hours
7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. - Contactless Payment Procedure: Parents are encouraged to pay online (cash is no longer accepted)
- Extra set of clothes – at least two complete sets (including socks and shoes) at all times.
- Access to the building will be limited to parents and service providers.
- Parents must conduct daily self-screening prior to dropping off child(ren).
- Sick children must be picked up within 30 minutes of notification.
- Cots will be assigned to each child (Nap time bedding needs to be washed weekly).
Staff will take preventative actions to prevent the spread of respiratory illness.
Staff will use soap and water or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol
- Before interaction with children
- Before and after serving food
- Before and after diapering/toileting
- Before and after leaving areas outside the classroom
- After blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing
Children will use soap and water (staff will assist and/or monitor)
- When entering the room from home
- When moving from one school environment to the next
- Before and after eating
- Before and after toileting
- Blowing nose, coughing or sneezing

- Children ages 2 years and above will wear a mask provided by their family.
- Children ages 2 years and above will not wear a mask while sleeping.
- Children under 2 years will not wear masks
- All staff will wear masks while caring for children.
- Staff will introduce their masks to children to prevent them from being surprised
- All masks will be cleaned
- All masks will be put on and taken off properly

Screening – Checks exposure to Covid-19 and any related symptoms.
Temperature – Will be checked as needed - 100.4 degrees or higher and/or flu-like symptoms – will be sent home.
- Parents and staff must conduct daily self-screenings prior to arriving at the Center.

- OECOSL (Office of Early Childhood and Out of School Learning) Cleaning and sanitizing guidance will be used (Guidance document for proper surface cleaning distributed to custodian and CYC staff.)
- Toys will be cleaned and sanitized as appropriate.

- Large groups of children will be avoided.
- Gatherings of the whole school will not take place.
- Access to the building is limited to parents and service providers only.

- Staff will coach and teach the proper way to cover coughs and sneezes with older children.
- Younger children – clothing will be changed and surfaces cleaned.

If a staff member or child becomes sick while at school:
- The individual will be isolated from others.
- Parents must pick up their child within 30 minutes of being notified that their child is ill.
- Staff member goes home immediately and will follow university protocol for reporting illness.
Drop-off Procedures
- Vehicles will pull into CYC lot entrance and park as normal.
- Using their PIN number, parents will check in their child(ren) in the lobby of the Center.
- Parents will walk with their child(ren) to their respective classrooms and drop off child(ren) at the classroom door.
Pick-up Procedures
- Parents will pick up their child(ren) at their classroom door.
- Using the same PIN number, parents will check out their child(ren) in the lobby of the Center.